Friday, February 21, 2020

Critical Issues Module 1 Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Issues Module 1 Paper - Coursework Example Jim Hill understood aspects of the merger between the two companies. It required an intervention for each company to realize that working together was best for the growth of both companies. As a leader and a manager, Jim experienced resentment from the other company as the Boston based company handled the marketing. Indifferences between the modes of operation caused a drift in the profits hence hindering the growth of the two companies. While the Boston based company was interested in maintaining the merger, Jill knew that it would hinder the progress and growth of Vanguard (Atrill & Mclaney, 2010). Jim exemplifies some of the aspects of the active board member through holding a meeting with the aim of discussing the future of the company. He uses the interest of the members to gain a common ground of understanding on the success of the company. The investment company needed an increase in the health of the company through improving their financial statements. Hill knew that the siz e of the business and its complexity would produce complex financial statements. This was the case for Vanguard as it had subsidiaries in oversea companies (Firstenberg, 2009). The merger of two or more companies pros and cons which lie mainly in operations. A financial investment company like Vanguard plays a key role in ensuring its customers are satisfied. Merging the company comes with taking the time to make decisions on operations of the organization. The process of decision-making requires the consent of both companies. This is time consuming if the decision needs a fast approval. Jill required the presence of Bogle to make a decision on the company’s operational structures. It took him time before he could resolve an issue concerning the operation of the company (Firstenberg, 2009). Merging may turn to be a disadvantage when it comes to the share of profits and losses.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Corrections Trend Evaluation (Indi) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corrections Trend Evaluation (Indi) - Essay Example A new theory came up, which comprised of humane ways of dealing with law breakers. It was from 1787, that hard labor, total abstinence and solitary confinement started proving to be the most effective means in re- forming law breakers, thus the course of penal history was changed and the platform for operation of institutional and community based corrections systems born (Carlson & Garrett, 1999). However, the concept of solitary confinement in review of correctional practice reveals that the emphasis on the isolation, punishment and segregation of the offender from the community, is being outdated by emerging standards of human civilization. The prevailing innovations in correctional facilities are based on the recognition that they have been effective in the goals of justice and penalty, but failed in performing the function of rehabilitation and offender reform. New models of imprisonment and corrections are being searched for, in order to protect the fundamental principles of jus tice in a democratic society. Provision for genuine implementation of society’s power over the law breakers are also being looked into (Diiulio, 1990). The reasons for this extensive trend reversal are numerous. Philosophically, the return to the simple ways regarding disciplinary action against law breakers is politically attractive, thus gaining rapid recognition. Within and without the criminal justice system, there is a large number of people who prefer the uncomplicated processes of justice. If you look at our institutions and communities from a practical perspective, you will clearly see that the prevailing criminal justice system has yielded very poor results. The rate which prisoners return to institutions due to new convictions is alarmingly high. It is the inability of the prevailing criminal justice system to curb crime and the failure of correctional facilities to correct, that has led to the failure of the corrections. The main inhibitor however is the way in whi ch the criminal justice system has been perceived in its work and mission. The definition of correction in a societal view point does not state nor imply what corrections should try to achieve. Correction institutions have many purposes, rehabilitation being only one. Although if the correctional processes were truly rehabilitative, then it should not be restricted to the convicted individual, but rather be extended to all who need them. Corrections can contribute more than it does to crime reduction, but it is sad to note the fact that in the prevailing era, the pursuit of a single purpose for corrections be it rehabilitation or punishment, is doomed to failure (Harnsberger, 2011). It is natural for human beings to resist coercion. It is evident in our institutions and communities that correctional coercion success rate is basically none existent. We can observe the concept of total system planning, which is a process that comes up with feedback from specific service area after ana lyzing and defining its problems. The total system planning process describes the mode and level of interactions between activities of one system like corrections, and those of others like law enforcement or courts. A change in any single component however small it may be, will ripple through and affect all the other components. When this concept example and consideration is applied to