Sunday, March 8, 2020

Freedom and Authority in the Tempest Essays

Freedom and Authority in the Tempest Essays Freedom and Authority in the Tempest Paper Freedom and Authority in the Tempest Paper It proves the situation the sailors have been left in. You can almost describe the sailors as being confined from the rest of the island by their own sleep. Another element of this imprisonment is the fact that Prospero and Miranda are trapped on the island, they are unable to go anywhere else safely. They were as good as given the death penalty when they were put on a rotten carcass of a butt, not rigged, nor tackle, sail, nor mast. But their arrival on the island cannot be seen as them being given their freedom, as they are restricted to the island, unable to go anywhere, like being given a prison sentence to life on the island. Miranda does not, however see herself as being imprisoned, because that is how she had been brought up and would not have known any difference although in reality she is confined and deprived. The further implications of this confinement to the island are clearly seen later on in Mirandas remarks upon seeing Ferdinand for the first time. It carries a brave form. But tis a spirit A thing divine, for nothing natural I ever saw so noble. , this is not because Ferdinand is so incredibly handsome, but because he is the first man, bar her father than Miranda can ever remember seeing, which means that any other human is going to be beautiful to her. Similarly the implications of this entrapment on the island is visible in Prospero by his ever-growing sense of wanting power. Following his banishment from his Dukedom he is reluctant to let go of Miranda to another man an in turn uses Ferdinand as his slave, showing he is unwilling to have another human being on the island without them under his authority. Or this can be seen as the caring father scared for his confused teenage daughter to get hurt, as he probably well knows what it feels like to be betrayed or cheated by someone close to you, in Prosperos case, Antonio.