Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The freedom of the children and the sins of the fathers Essay

The freedom of the children and the sins of the fathers - Essay Example Given this dual nature, some good advice may generate bad results, and vice-versa. The point being that one truly never knows the outcome of what one does until one has done it, and given this uncertainty, one should hold individual freedom in a high regard, and furthermore, one should be cautious in the advice that one dispenses, because good intentions don't necessarily translate in good results. I think that Michael's father was thoroughly cautious in his advice. The essence of his message was of respect for free will, as well as of a warning at the entanglement of perspectives, ideas and half-truths that human interaction often consists of. A half truth is what happens not when one lies, but when one does not know the whole of the truth. And I believe that the nature of his advice implied that he knew more than his boisterous and passionate youth of a son. It's basically a matter of committed relativism. Maybe his father realized something that Michael could never have, being part of a younger generation, who never witnessed first-hand the horrors of Nazi Germany. Maybe his insight allowed him to fathom that maybe Hanna was seeking redemption trough punishment.

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