Friday, July 26, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 65

No topic - Essay Example Again Susan urgently needs to acquire the property to expand the university. The best alternative (BATNA) that he has is to sell it to the property to the private developer. His reserved price (RP) is approximately $19.7 million. This figure is arrived at by considering the cost of rebuilding property with same features, in the same location. Susan is mainly interested in acquiring a property to expand the university. As such, the property that Fr. John is selling is appropriate for the expansion due to its vicinity. Her main source of power is that she is aware that Fr. John is selling the property and that the school is suffering financial predicaments. Her best alternative would be to build her own premises should Fr. John sell the premises at the price equal to putting a new structure. Her recommended price is below $19.7 million as the amount would be enough to put up a new structure with similar features. Her target would basically to acquire the property at a lower price than that of putting a new

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